Lorenzo Pompili

RG Analysis and Partial Differential Equations

Foto Lorenzo


Office: Postal address:
Endenicher Allee 60, Room N2.011 Mathematisches Institut
Phone: +49 (0) 228 73-2928 Universität Bonn
Endenicher Allee 60
E-mail: pompili(at)math.uni-bonn.de       D - 53115 Bonn

Starting from October 2020 I am a graduate student in the Analysis and Partial Differential Equations group of the Hausdorff Center of Mathematics, Mathematical Institute, University of Bonn, Germany. My PhD advisor is Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch. Here is my CV.


I am working in Partial Differential Equations, and I am especially interested in nonlinear dispersive waves. I have been recently focusing on completely integrable PDEs; a kind of problem I am dealing with is long time dynamics and soliton stability.

Parers and preprints: