Contact Information

Automatically generated (Refereeing) requests by email will be considered spam and deleted unread. Absolutely no exceptions. Read the Refereeing Policy first.

Office Mathematikzentrum, R 1.033
ph +49 228 73 7641 (Secr. ext 2204). I am hearing impaired. Therefore, phone calls should be prearranged by email. Please limit unsolicited phone calls to exceptional circumstances only.

pgp encrypted emails are welcome and encouraged:
My pgp key fingerprint: 2BCF FA29 ADD4 1756 BA44 2DE9 B345 5CEE 8510 B24B
You find the key on the ubuntu key server
I maintain an Email Blacklist. Check first before sending an email.

Refereeing Policy If you want me to referee a paper please deliver the paper in pdf format as mail attachment together with a nicely written personal email. Please also check my email Blacklist. Automatic mails from noreply addresses and/or by editoral manager systems will be considered spam (they are a plague, in particular their automatic reminders), in particular is on my blacklist and you cannot send me emails from there! Don't try to ask me to fill in web forms on commercial publishing websites as this will delay processing indefinitely. Referees don't get paid, so publishers have no right to impose a certain workflow. I will deliver my report by mail attachment to a human editor, not to a machine. By sending a referee request you implicitly agree to this Refereeing Policy, if not I cannot referee for you (sorry). Refereeing for Elsevier journals only among friends: friends know, if you don't know, don't even try.

Mail Address Endenicher Allee 60, Mathematisches Institut, Universität Bonn, Endenicher Allee 60, D - 53115 Bonn

Inquiries I regular get emails asking for only 15 minutes of my time to answer an online questionaire. Worse, at least two auto generated reminders follow within the next few weeks. As a matter of principle I will not react to any such mass mails.