Elizabeth Tatum

Mathematisches Institut
Universität Bonn
Endenicher Allee 60, 53115 Bonn
Office: 1.040
Email: tatum(at)math.uni-bonn.de

Research interests: stable homotopy theory, particularly computational aspects of equivariant and chromatic homotopy theory.


On the Cooperations Algebra for C2–Equivariant Complex K-Theory, with Guchuan Li and Sarah Petersen. In preparation.

A Guide to Equivariant Parametrized Cohomology, with Agnès Beaudry, Chloe Lewis, Clover May, and Sabrina Pauli. Accepted, to appear in Topology and its Applications. 2024.

A Thom Spectrum Model for C2–Equivariant Brown-Gitler Spectra , with Guchuan Li and Sarah Petersen. Submitted, 2023.

On a Spectrum-level Splitting of the BP<2>–Cooperations Algebra.


Summer 2024: I will be running a bachelors seminar on Characteristic Classes. The preliminary meeting will take place on 15 January at 2pm in N0.007.

Winter 2024-2025: Jack Davies and I will be running a bachelors seminar on Topological K-Theory, and Lucas Piessevaux and I will be running a masters seminar on The Adams spectral sequence. Please note that both seminars are now starting one week later than first advertised!

Summer 2024: Jack Davies and I are the lecturers for Algebraic Topology II. I am also the assistant for Stefan Schwede's Seminar on Equivariant Homotopy Theory.